We offer access to one of the largest databases of randomly generated questions in the world. Our system combines shapes and patterns in real time, giving you an unprecedented number of unique yet challenging questions. The basis for these questions is founded upon geometry, primarily folding shapes or unravelling shapes in your mind to match a pattern with one of the multiple choice answers. Read more about our Spatial Reasoning questions by clicking here.

With our comprehensive results area you are able to track your progress by revisiting complete breakdowns of your tests, showing you not only your score but where you went wrong and how to correct it. We offer three packages below, allowing you to choose the program which best suits your needs.

If you are a company looking to incorporate Spatial Reasoning Tests into your recruitment/pre-employment tests or otherwise, please take a look at our partners page.

Free test

Complete a free Spatial Reasoning Test and see how we can help you pass your upcoming psychometric tests. Plus registration is not required to take the test or view your results!

Flexible Pricing

Only buy the tests you need! Our packages offer a fixed number of tests rather than a recurring fee and are structured to give you the best value for money. Click here to view our test packs.

Progress Reports

Compare your scores to user averages to see how your progressing. Each of our programs offer full access to our results and progress report areas.

Superior Support

We’re always available if you need help. We reply to all emails within 24 hours of receipt. Contact us now if you have any questions.